As I explore the world.


I arrived in Yogyakarta also known as (Jogja) and from here on I will use ‘Jogia’, so the first night was just to arrive at the hostel and settle in for the night. Maturnuwun Yogya Hostel is new and only in operation for a couple of months, but very affordable with dormitory room for the backpacker at 75,000 rp (7.50 CAD) a night, nice clean place and the staff very friendly especially “Steve” he speaks English and full of valuable information about the Temples, a vegetarian restaurant he mentioned called Mila’s Vegetarian Restaurant, and he enjoys photographing the guests to add to the hostels Facebook page. I recommend this hostel for friendliness, cleanliness and price.

Day 1 I went out for a walk to get to know the area and within a short walk saw a coffee house and well I enjoy a good cup of joe and inside ordering coffee and a bite to eat, a little difficulties understanding, a Indonesian couple standing next to me placing their order asked if I needed help in translated my order, I said yes and he (Rio) placed the order for me.The three of us, me, him and his wife ended up sitting together eating and began talking, her (Irma) English is little, but he speaks English well. This couple ended up to be a very nice Indonesian couple and Muslim. (I point out muslim because of many others perception with Muslims being bad people, so far the many interactions I have had with so-called muslims have all been with kindness and generosity). So now with this couple over our meals and coffee we decide to wake up at 4am meet each other at their Hotel which by coincident the Hostel I was staying at was a 2 minute walk away, so that the three of us go by taxi with the friend he knows as a driver to guide me to see all three Temples. Reason for 4am was so that I could see the sunrise at the first Temple, but first his wife ‘Irma’ and I make plans to go visit a nearby Mall, one that apparently is popular and famous I guess called ‘Mal Malioboro’ it had many traditional art pieces for visitors to buy, and next to here was a Museum a visited it was free and not much to see as it was under renovations.

Day 2 4am at Irma and Rio’s Hotel with taxi waiting, we go to the first Temple which is the best temple for sunrise photos. Borobudur Temple is a 9th century Mahayana Buddhist Temple, we find out at ticket counter it is 400,000 rp because of sunrise they charge more. We make decision too costly and just around the corner a placed called ‘Punthuk Setumbu ~ Borobudur Nirwana Sunrise and we head up a mountain side to photograph Mountain Merapi which I believe is a volcano, beside this mountain is a mountain called Merbabu and all below is a jungle, it was nice and much cheaper, entrance fee was 45,000 rp, also from this viewpoint looking at these mountains off to the left and not the far away is a church not many tourists seem to visit called the “Chicken Church” and yes it looks like a chicken with beak, and one gets the same view from there as I did from the viewpoint.

After this I now went to Borobudur Temple and paid the entrance fee of 325,000 rp this is what tourist pay and locals pay only 40,000 rp, big difference, also remember this as I forgot, Steven said tell the ticket agent you want combo ticket if your going to visit the other Temple being Prambanan Temple, as a combo one gets a discount and saves money. Borobudur Temple is big with many levels, there are bell like stone coverings apparently covering the sitting Buddha statues from being destroyed from the many tourists visiting but there is one uncovered that I did photograph, the carvings are amazing and this is an ancient site indeed. Off to temple #2 called Prambanan Temple being Hindu Temple again another grandiose with about a dozen tall pointy temples, again with spectacular ancient stone carvings, again entrance fee was another 325,000 rp I lost out on the discount. Now temple #3 called ’Sewu Temples’ was nearby and showing you paid ticket to the previous temple it was free, many temples here but on a slight smaller scale perhaps the reason why not as many visitors here as with the first two most popular temples having large gatherings. Between travel from Prambanan Temples and Sewu Temples I also had the chance two photograph a couple more smaller temples, so now after all of this temple viewing it was off to visit another mall for a bite to eat and then just before heading back to hostel I was taken to a beach. Parangtritis Beach is the most beautiful beach in Yogyakarta I read, when I was there it was windy thus many large waves, and this beach had horses on the beach pulling a seat for those that wanted a ride instead of walking perhaps for that romantic thing to do. I was told this beach is most beautiful at sunset. So with the 3 of us sharingYogyarata (Jogja), Indonesia August 9th – 12th 2017

I arrived in Yogyakarta also known as (Jogja) and from here on I will use ‘Jogia’, so the first night was just to arrive at the hostel and settle in for the night. Maturnuwun Yogya Hostel is new and only in operation for a couple of months, but very affordable with dormitory room for the backpacker at 75,000 rp (7.50 CAD) a night, nice clean place and the staff very friendly especially “Steve” he speaks English and full of valuable information about the Temples, a vegetarian restaurant he mentioned called Mila’s Vegetarian Restaurant, and he enjoys photographing the guests to add to the hostels Facebook page. I recommend this hostel for friendliness, cleanliness and price.

Day 1 I went out for a walk to get to know the area and within a short walk saw a coffee house and well I enjoy a good cup of joe and inside ordering coffee and a bite to eat, a little difficulties understanding, a Indonesian couple standing next to me placing their order asked if I needed help in translated my order, I said yes and he (Rio) placed the order for me.The three of us, me, him and his wife ended up sitting together eating and began talking, her (Irma) English is little, but he speaks English well. This couple ended up to be a very nice Indonesian couple and Muslim. (I point out muslim because of many others perception with Muslims being bad people, so far the many interactions I have had with so-called muslims have all been with kindness and generosity). So now with this couple over our meals and coffee we decide to wake up at 4am meet each other at their Hotel which by coincident the Hostel I was staying at was a 2 minute walk away, so that the three of us go by taxi with the friend he knows as a driver to guide me to see all three Temples. Reason for 4am was so that I could see the sunrise at the first Temple, but first his wife ‘Irma’ and I make plans to go visit a nearby Mall, one that apparently is popular and famous I guess called ‘Mal Malioboro’ it had many traditional art pieces for visitors to buy, and next to here was a Museum a visited it was free and not much to see as it was under renovations.

Day 2 4am at Irma and Rio’s Hotel with taxi waiting, we go to the first Temple which is the best temple for sunrise photos. Borobudur Temple is a 9th century Mahayana Buddhist Temple, we find out at ticket counter it is 400,000 rp because of sunrise they charge more. We make decision too costly and just around the corner a placed called ‘Punthuk Setumbu ~ Borobudur Nirwana Sunrise and we head up a mountain side to photograph Mountain Merapi which I believe is a volcano, beside this mountain is a mountain called Merbabu and all below is a jungle, it was nice and much cheaper, entrance fee was 45,000 rp, also from this viewpoint looking at these mountains off to the left and not the far away is a church not many tourists seem to visit called the “Chicken Church” and yes it looks like a chicken with beak, and one gets the same view from there as I did from the viewpoint.

After this I now went to Borobudur Temple and paid the entrance fee of 325,000 rp this is what tourist pay and locals pay only 40,000 rp, big difference, also remember this as I forgot, Steven said tell the ticket agent you want combo ticket if your going to visit the other Temple being Prambanan Temple, as a combo one gets a discount and saves money. Borobudur Temple is big with many levels, there are bell like stone coverings apparently covering the sitting Buddha statues from being destroyed from the many tourists visiting but there is one uncovered that I did photograph, the carvings are amazing and this is an ancient site indeed. Off to temple #2 called Prambanan Temple being Hindu Temple again another grandiose with about a dozen tall pointy temples, again with spectacular ancient stone carvings, again entrance fee was another 325,000 rp I lost out on the discount. Now temple #3 called ’Sewu Temples’ was nearby and showing you paid ticket to the previous temple it was free, many temples here but on a slight smaller scale perhaps the reason why not as many visitors here as with the first two most popular temples having large gatherings. Between travel from Prambanan Temples and Sewu Temples I also had the chance two photograph a couple more smaller temples, so now after all of this temple viewing it was off to visit another mall for a bite to eat and then just before heading back to hostel I was taken to a beach. Parangtritis Beach is the most beautiful beach in Yogyakarta I read, when I was there it was windy thus many large waves, and this beach had horses on the beach pulling a seat for those that wanted a ride instead of walking perhaps for that romantic thing to do. I was told this beach is most beautiful at sunset. So with the 3 of us sharing a taxi and stating off at 4am seeing all these sites and visiting all these places we got back at about 5 pm being a 13hr long tour, the all day taxi cost for all this was 500,000 rp, I think it was ok for seeing everything in 1 day and to all the places I went.

Day 3 not much doing as I am getting ready to take bus to Bali as it is the cheapest way to travel but also the longest being a 22 hr bus ride I have been told, so my new friends, Rio and Irma come with me to bus station to see me off, what a great couple and Irma gives me a small gift, a bracelet to wear. The bus cost from Jogja to Bali is 250,000rp with 1 free dinner meal, I have booked a room at Komalah Indah ll Cottages. I was told that there is a train from Jakarta to Jogja and if known I would have taken to save money instead of flight, and there is a train/bus from Jogia to Bali. Instead of taking train which is faster and then having to get taxi to bus station, I just decided bus it all the way, a whole day on the bus, it is an experience I suppose.a taxi and stating off at 4am seeing all these sites and visiting all these places we got back at about 5 pm being a 13hr long tour, the all day taxi cost for all this was 500,000 rp, I think it was ok for seeing everything in 1 day and to all the places I went.

Day 3 not much doing as I am getting ready to take bus to Bali as it is the cheapest way to travel but also the longest being a 22 hr bus ride I have been told, so my new friends, Rio and Irma come with me to bus station to see me off, what a great couple and Irma gives me a small gift, a bracelet to wear. The bus cost from Jogja to Bali is 250,000rp with 1 free dinner meal, I have booked a room at Komalah Indah ll Cottages. I was told that there is a train from Jakarta to Jogja and if known I would have taken to save money instead of flight, and there is a train/bus from Jogia to Bali. Instead of taking train which is faster and then having to get taxi to bus station, I just decided bus it all the way, a whole day on the bus, it is an experience I suppose.


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