As I explore the world.


Well boys and girls, I received a journal from the youngest boy to take with me as I travel the world and explore. I start off in the journal as I write Day 1 or whatever day it has been for me travelling, today it is Day 282 Wednesday July 26th 2017 that I write and start off in the journal. Just to convert days into months for you, I have been away from Canada traveling the world and exploring countries for just approximately 9 1/2 months now.

I have visited 7 countries so far; Japan; S.Korea; Taiwan; Philippines; Malaysia and Indonesia, soon I will be in Singapore, but for all those that wish to follow where I travel and know what I have done, seen, explored and so on, can easily go to the travel blog that I created and sign up to follow me and read all of the blogs at www.peacefultravels.ca

So far I have enjoyed many of the places I have visited and many of the people I have met, no complaints really. I enjoyed Taiwan, I should go back and explore more. So many Islands in the Philippines to visit I only got a taste visiting the Palawan Islands, did not like Manila too much, as too polluted, too noisy, too much congested traffic that does not move at all.

So far I have spent most of my time here in Malaysia; 4 months approximately. I really enjoyed my stay at Lake Toba, Indonesia and I could see myself perhaps returning there and calling it home for awhile, it reminds me much of Canada.
Travelling sure has got me to convert money all the time and know the value of the local currency also. One can buy a cup of coffee here in Malaysia for 1 or 2 ringgits, but in Indonesia it will cost 10,000 rupiah’s, with Japan being the most expensive for coffee at 500 yen, for the most part I could usually do these calculations of converting in my head, one has to if one wants to know what he is paying.

For me many of these countries I have travelled to have been very warm and/or hot, two places very hot was at PaTong Beach in Phuket, Thailand, there were many, many different beaches everywhere but very hot place for me and also right here in Malaysia, I am wet everyday in sweat, once the shirt is soaked in sweat then the sweat starts dripping off the soaked drenched shirt and starts getting the top of the shorts wet, I often drink up to 9 litres of ice water daily no problem, I cannot get enough ice water, constant detoxing I guess.
When travelling to developing countries one needs to get use to carry with him toilet paper, as for me I have gotten use to not using toilet paper, my hand and water does the trick, most places I’m happy just to sit on a toilet, usually no toilet seat covers and never toilet paper, but there is water to clean the bottom with as here in Malaysia many places do not even have a toilet at all, just a hole in the ground to squat over and aim and of course a spray hose, if you miss the hole I guess one can spray water on their ankles also. Japanese people took their toilets serious, everywhere electronic toilets with all types of sprays, pressures and heated toilet seat covers, again in other countries just be glad there’s a toilet period.
When it comes to showering with the lizards in the bathrooms, it will always be a cold shower, or you use a bucket of cold water to pour over yourself, never a hot water shower, the lizards don’t like the hot water besides its hot in these countries so cold showers are a blessing I suppose.

Now when I was in Canada I ate jackfruit out of a can, fresh jackfruit is 100% different a much better fresh than in a can, I enjoy the fresh exotic fruits here, jackfruit, mangoes fresh and delicious all different sizes and shapes, I have eaten more mangoes travelling than in my entire life, watermelon, pineapples, durian, now durian you love it or hate it because of the smell, something like stinky tofu, people love it or hate based solely on the smell, well as far as I am concerned the smell does not bother me at all, I like stinky tofu and durian. Mangosteen a very delicious fruit, so many different fruits here and all very tasty. Bananas are grown everywhere, you see them growing on trees, small ones, big ones, banana tress, palm trees, coconut trees all in abundance creating the tropical scenery everywhere.

Lizards are part of life, sleeping with them, going to the bathroom with them, sleeping, showering, lizards everywhere, here in Malaysia need to be cautious of snakes, especially the Cobra’s, I have been living 4 months in the jungle here in Malaysia, I see wild boars, snakes, Komoda dragons, lizards, monkeys, suppose to be wild cats in the jungle also but I have not seen yet.

At the end of July I will start to leave Malaysia and at the start of August go to Singapore for a few days then head off to Indonesia, as I was in only one part of Indonesia and it has so many islands all spread out all over the place, so much more to see of Indonesia, after a stay in Indonesia, I have not decided where to to go, but I think it will be north to Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and so forth…

Anyways I am truly enjoying travelling the world and exploring, learning, experiencing and creating memories.Its an adventure and I seem to like and enjoy very much, its not perfect at times but thats all part of this journey, adapting.


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