As I explore the world.



I leave Taiping at 9am as I get last photos with Hanim and Ikram saying our goodbye’s to each other. The ETS (fast train) took about 3 1/2 hours to get to the final destination for me at KL Sentral, as it made about 18 stops along the way but hitting speeds up to 143 km/h. From here another train to BTS which is the central bus station to all locations, anyways I was on a bus to Singapore within 3 hours at a cost of 62 ringgits through a travel agency when I should have just bought at bus station for 50 ringgits saving that 12 ringgits for dinner and more. Bus leaving KL at 3:30pm and should arrive in Singapore around 9:30pm, about a 6 hr trip. Gives me time to do writing on the laptop I suppose.


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