As I explore the world.

Sunday January 16th 2022, I leave Acapulco to go to Mexico City. I stay at a hostel that is located at the central historic square, just behind the historic massive Cathedral. The name of the hostel is Mexiqui Hostel, because of it’s location it is a very noisy area with music being repeated over and over and over for about 16 hrs a day, and it is loud enough to become bothersome and annoying. The music starts sometimes at 7:30 am to about 11:30 pm.

I bought a new iPhone here from the online Mercado Libre Mexico, https://www-mercadolibre-com-mx.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc  it was easy and fast, I ordered on the website, paid at the nearest 7/11 and delivered in a few days, wow, easy and simple.

I did go to see the nearby Pyramids, by bus it was about 1 hour away, but very cheap transportation. First time for me seeing ancient Pyramids. I also went to a nearby huge market the sells just about everything and I do mean everything, from fruits, vegetables, meat to clothing and industrial appliances, you name it you will probably find it there, the market is called, ‘La Merced’.

Around this historic square, there are signs of American restaurants such as, McDonald’s, KFC, Subway, Starbucks, Domino’s Pizza and many 7/11’s, with all of these 7/11’s a very similar and/or a copy, are these OXXO convenient stores also, competing with 7/11’s. I bought a bus ticket to head south to Oaxaca, pronounced, (Wha Hacka). I have heard from others, Oaxaca is a very inexpensive place to live and a very traditional historic place to be, so the ticket was just under $1000. mxn pesos ($60.00 Cad) and it was about a 7 1/2 hr bus ride I believe.


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