As I explore the world.

Vilcabamba is the most interesting and funniest place I have lived for a long period of time while travelling from country to country, as I stayed here for a 3 1/2 year period, from December 2017 through July of 2021.

This very small American town/village sits in a valley surrounded by mountains full of hiking trails everywhere, (about 65 trails mapped and GPS) and influenced by the American culture and dollar, no need to learn the Spanish language with so many English speaking settlers.

Thus easily one can come by some interesting American characters, one comes to mind that I was led to believe to be a trustworthy individual and a friend and with these so called social butterflies, many people like them as friends because they are not quiet and keeping to themselves, were as with people who do not know anything about individuals that are not social butterflies keeping to themselves and being quiet for the most part, people tend to make their own opinion of such an individual based upon no evidence at all, usually a negative opinion as compared to a so called social butterfly, to me the social butterfly can get away with more things than an individual minding his own business. I am led to believe this is so because the social butterfly individual is usually well known, well liked, trusted and having many friends, thus people will not believe that this type of individual is capable of harming another, stealing from another and so on. Whereas with the individual that is quiet, keeping to himself, minding his own business and people no very little of such an individual, is sometimes unfairly and unjustly blamed for such things just because people do not know of the individual.

It appears from what I have observed and believe to know of what I think happened, is this American girl named Laura Markwardt a so called social butterfly and I thought she was a friend to me, walked by the bedroom I was using, noticed I was not in the room as the bedroom door was opened having full view of the Apple MacBook Pro laptop just sitting on the bed, and therefore I believe she thought it was a perfect opportunity for her to quickly grab this laptop while I was in the bathroom for a very short 3 minute period. As I came out of the bathroom I saw Laura leaving out the front door of the house, I went upstairs and right away noticed the computer gone, went back downstairs and out the door only to find Laura was gone immediately and thought to myself she stoled my computer as she was the only one upstairs walking the hallway.

Of course she denies stealing the computer but I do believe it was her based upon the preponderance of evidence before me, again she was the only one walking the upstairs hallway and I had only left the computer alone for about 3 minutes only, and Laura knew I was in the bathroom and I heard her go upstairs walk down the hallway and back again as she made her way out of the house with the computer to quickly disappear from the front street.

Now why would she do such a thing, well I do believe firstly she has that social butterfly thing working for her as when I was in town talking about having the computer stolen, people already telling me: “No it cannot be her.” Secondly, she believes she paid her rent for one month twice, therefore, I am guessing this was the opportunity to get even, get revenged for the over paying of rent she believed she paid, thus now getting even. Thirdly, she did/does have this type of revengeful attitude I believe as she paid for another month’s rent without staying or living there in the room, in fact the last 2 or 3 weeks all of her stuff was moved out, the room was empty, cleaned out to be ready for new guests to occupy. Laura had no reason to come back, in fact she could have said I am moved out and living elsewhere, here are the keys, feel free to rent the room out as many other guests say & do when they make new plans, but no not with Laura, her attitude was she paid a full month’s rent and therefore even though the room was empty, cleaned and ready for new guests to occupy she was not allowing it, until the end of the rent date was up. The day the computer was stolen Laura just came by to check to make sure the room was empty and not occupied, as another guest in the house wanted to change rooms and she asked Laura if she can move into her empty room, Laura said no I have this room for a few more days still, so Laura was only in the house for about 5 minutes total, the computer again, I had left alone only for 3 minutes while I quickly went to the bathroom and Laura was the only one left alone upstairs to take it, thus getting back revenge or her attitude shows she was the type to do this.

With most travellers when they no there is no refunds and they make other plans, they just give the keys and allow the room to be rented again, there are some though, feel like the caretaker/owner is going to make a profit and therefore don’t want that to happen, which I do not understand, if you have an opportunity to help another out why not, but some do not want to help others out at all or have another benefit from them, so it goes to show Laura had that attitude of not wanting to help out another individual in this matter/case at all.

More on her attitude, she believed I was accusing her of theft of the computer, yet not denying or asking what evidence I had of such, she decided to discredit me, slander me publicly and personally, by attacking my so called character, make me out to be some individual of mental disorder in need of mental help, as she stated publicly that I am an individual that is harmful to society. In fact let’s quote her postings from Facebook.

“It is clear to me (Laura Markwardt) that there need to be protections taken to protect the public and that you should be in a care facility.”

“Perhaps it is time that the community reached out to the Canadian Embassy and authorities so that they step in and help you be placed in a appropriate care facility in Canada.”

“The current clear and present danger to the community, your current ravings, your lunatic behaviour, all of this is why something thoughtful needs to be done.”

“Personally I am led to believe the only one that needs any mental help is Laura Markwardt for making these unfounded claims without any evidence to support her rantings or evidence of whatsoever.”

This woman I believe cannot be trusted at all, will not go out of her way to help out another so he or she can benefit from her and lastly if she stole once she will steal again if the opportunity arises. Therefore the community of Vilcabamba should be aware and conscious of this young woman named Laura Markwardt.

As I was surprised by this information that she posted on Facebook and thinking to myself BUSTED!, as this is information that she could have only gotten from the computer and she posted links on facebook to discredit, slander me and attack the character. So why discredit me? Why make me out to be some mentally disturbed individual that is harmful to society instead of simply, I know nothing about your computer being stolen. To me, as I am led to believe these are actions of someone doing such by stealing another computer, I believe she stole the computer and therefore she believed she had to discredit me so that no one would believe me and therefore being the social butterfly everyone would believe her that I have a mental disorder and is harmful to society. Great plan, but I do think it backfired upon her big time, because what I went through over 10 years ago with the courts was simply me staying in truth and honour by not claiming ownership to something that I could not prove that I own, and that was simply claiming ownership to a legal name that I believed belonged to the state/crown already, so why would I put a claim of ownership to such, thus creating a controversy? Thus the judge playing the game and/or punishing me by sending me for a psyche evaluation, its just a game with them, because if you ask the judge what’s his name he will not answer either, so why does the judge not join me with the psyche evaluation also?

Also reading the articles that Laura posted to discredit me, I have done nothing wrong but stand up and defend myself and so called rights, if there is such a thing, many look at this as someone doing good not bad, so Laura read the articles and understood them as something negative and if you think I am in need of mental care, are you practicing medicine without a license Laura?

Once again, this woman I believe cannot be trusted at all, will not go out of her way to help out another so he or she can benefit from her if such a thing is possible, and lastly if she stole once she will steal again if the opportunity arises. Therefore the community of Vilcabamba should be aware and conscious of this young woman named Laura Markwardt and not befriend her at all, just my personal opinion whatever it is worth and again based upon the preponderance of evidence before me.


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