As I explore the world.


The stay for me in Jakarta short, as I did not view anything exciting and found it expensive, also transportation was difficult. Since I travel without a mobile phone this is a must here in Jakarta as getting around most people use a cell phone for online bike (Gojek), this is cheap getting around, a motorcycle and driver pics you up, you throw on a helmet and off you go to your destination for a small fee of 10,000 – 30,000 rp (1.00 -3.00 CAD), then there’s other services such as Grab.

Out of the four day stay in Jakarta I was ill one day spending most of the day in bed, but for me the city was not impressive for me, so I needed to leave for a place that was much cheaper and exciting. The one night stay in West Jakarta was 200,000rp for the room and then the 3 night stay in South Jakarta at SS Homes was 250,000rp per night which was a very nice place, as they advertise executive suites. I did notice that a MRT line was in progress of being built and completion date was for sometime in 2019, I trust this will free up some of the traffic jams. Now to travel to Yogyakarta, the flight ticket for this 1 hr flight is 580,000 rp (58.00 CAD). If I had known that there was a train to Yogyakarta from Jakarta I would have taken saving the money. If one is going to Bali from Jakarta, also a train is available for those wanting to save money.


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