As I explore the world.

Today is Monday March 23rd 2020 and I find it necessary to report some news as to what is happening here in Vilcabamba, Ecuador during this time of the so called pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease called Coronavirus. We have been lockdown (martial law) for one week now, started March 17th and under a stupid useless night time curfew, which serves no purpose at all. It appears after just one week tension is escalating, people are now getting stressed. From what I am observing and hearing all of this is to keep the public living under stress and fear, and it seems to be working. Again from what I have observed and heard it appears this so called epidemic has shown the stupidity of people, yes I am aware of how stupid people are, but this situation that is occurring is bringing out more stupidity of people and bringing out the stupid people that were hiding in the closets. 

What I am witnessing by way of reading peoples comments on Facebook or listening to people talk, it is incredibly stupid, surprisingly and amazing that these people can even think for themselves as many want to bring harm and death to another, but not to themselves of course only to others, not knowing what happens to others will happen to themselves or they want to protect themselves but not others, or it is only their own logic and opinions that count and no one else’s logic and opinions matter. Reminds me of 5000 gods or so that people believe in and worship, but my God is the only true God. How ignorant and arrogant can people be, but stupidity is all around us boys and girls.

Let’s start with this nighttime curfew that we have here in Vilcabamaba with a population of 4000 inhabitants and about 1/2 being gringos (Americans), now the curfew is in effect from 7pm-5am. I have posted the question “What is the purpose of this curfew?” of course expecting intelligent sensible responses. Unfortunately no, people have simply been answering the curfew is for the virus, so that it does not spread. Ok so here at night with 5 people roaming the streets at midnight that are supposedly doubling the virus if they had it every 24 hrs, so at the end of the week, these 5 people would have infected 320 other people, again if they had the virus. Now at noon when there is no curfew and you have 200 people walking around, again if they had the virus and spreading it and every 24hrs it doubles, so at the end of the week, 12,800 now potentially infected. Again, what is the purpose of this nighttime curfew when most of the people are at home already and in their beds sleeping, compared to no daytime curfew when most people are awake out and about to get food, water, medications and so on, to potentially infecting all of the inhabitants and more here in Vilcabamba instead of only a small portion having the curfew at night, does not make sense to me, but the nighttime curfew is one that the people foolishly accept here without questioning it, yes stupidity. People just do not understand, even when I explain the math, for some reason people think this nighttime curfew still makes sense and thus no need switching from a night curfew to a daytime curfew, I’m serious, how idiotic, I do believe in the saying I have heard, ….”You can’t fix stupid”. I cannot convince people that the night time curfew makes no sense at all, but we have a night time curfew here to make sure everyone is at home sleeping, during the day time no curfews people are allowed to go out and mingle making sure to spread the virus and/or disease.

Now again what I am observing especially on Facebook the so many statements that people are making which are lies, misinformation and disinformation, because I simply asked again “What evidence do you have of such?” and this is where it all fails, not one individually can back up their statement that they have posted thus no more than lies that they are posting, why all of these lies, misinformation and disinformation that people are posting deliberately and/or out of stupidity I suppose, I cannot answer that, but I am led to believe with the preponderance of evidence before me it is done out of fear, ignorance & arrogance (stupidity). Many people believe in finding a vaccine to cure people and end this epidemic/pandemic and suggesting over the social media to take, if or when it comes available, not knowing it takes about 2 yrs after testing and getting a new vaccine to market to treat this SARS CoV-2, which will be long over with before a vaccine comes to eliminate this disease called Coronavirus. If they do come up with a vaccine right away it will lead me to believe this manmade virus already had its vaccine to take care of this epidemic that is happening, again we are being manipulated in this game that is being played, but that’s another story.  Now do these same people know of the supposedly  harmful  and poisonous ingredients that are suppose to be in vaccines and know of the dangers of taking vaccines as in death, or long term disability injures as a result of vaccine injections, probably not, that is why so many ignorant & arrogant (stupid) people post shit like this, again it is only their own personal believe and/or opinion that counts as a result of the programming and conditioning that each has received during society indoctrination, only my opinion counts, no one else’s believe or opinion counts, more stupidity.

The information that is going around in this very small town via the social media such as Facebook, VilcaList (a paid subscription local news feed) or just the daily gossip from people on the streets. The inhabitants here seem to be in favour of martial law and curfew, the people here are acting and behaving like very good obedient, compliant slaves, and are against those that are not being obedient and compliant slaves, and therefore believe that those that are not following such rules should be heavily fined like $5000. and /or spend 6 months in jail, for simply not wearing a mask, a mask that many believe will not protect one at all from the virus thus no benefit at all, how stupid is this. Yes people support this shit, it is unbelievably true. In Canada if one wears a mask, police will arrest one for concealing one’s identity, especially if one enters a bank with a mask on, probably be shot dead before one is arrested for concealing one’s identity. Now here its the opposite if one is not wearing a mask 6 months in jail, it is unbelievable. People have no love and compassion in their hearts and are not willing to help out a brother or a sister but instead have them suffer, have them die, I ask why the hatred in so many people at a time like this when we all are in the same boat and should all be united instead of supporting separation, only to look out for oneself and screw everyone else, I just don’t get it. I have posted on Facebook with people acting as good obedient, compliant slaves to this curfew and whatever other BS rule the authorities want to impose, with a comment replied back such as…”don’t be a horses ass! We are really all wanting to get through this alive & unscathed. If the cops don’t grab your ass & quarantine you in some horrid place, the locals may decide to beat you half to death. So just shut & go go meditate for God’s sake! This is not the first time I have received a response from the community members wanting to beat me to death, or break my bones, because of what I posted. I think I understand, firstly what I write offends people, it is something that has truth to it and people just don’t want to face that truth so being offended and having it bother them, people lash out in anger, strong protest or in defence. It appears being offended by what others say or write is a commenting nowadays, instead of simply ignoring and allowing one to express his or her personal opinions, views and personal perspectives, this is the way I do it, in fact I tell people, “Go ahead and offend me”, why would I get upset, I don’t give a shit what others think of me or tell me its simply none of my business. I have been told I speak from the heart and I think what this means is that I speak and/or tell the truth, even if it is only the truth to me, but from what I have learned over the years people are not prepared and ready for the so called truth, it is the lies that they want to be continued to be supported because if the lies are not supported, then people must change their perceived programming and conditioning thoughts and ideas, this becomes a conflict in the mind which has been labelled as cognitive dissonance, and therefore continue believing lies before accepting the truth is the only way to go for most. I have been told I am a man way ahead of these times and I think outside the box opening the mind to allow new and different information to be accepted. So of course people want to label me and threaten me, but I do not allow it to bother me, again I see more of the truth, more people acting and behaving ignorant and arrogant (stupid).

Lets get back on point here, todays local gossip is that because there are so many American ex-pats living here here, it appears many are going outside to do shopping or whatever, but not obeying the so called rules of wearing a mask and gloves, so the local people being the Spanish speaking Ecuadorians object to this and feel the so called ‘foreigners’ (American ex-pats) (again more separation instead of being united, all together as one in the same boat,) feel that the foreigners should be wearing gloves and masks outside even though there is no reason and/or benefit in doing so, but some of the ex-pats are posting that they should start as not to upset the local people and cause a civil war between the local and gringo’s, (again more fear being injected into the community, more hatred, instead of love and compassion, fear instead of love and compassion, people are falling for this fear, hatred, separation, harming others, why, why why.) Why not simply unite as one, stand strong together with love and compassion helping each other out, but no let’s separate and look out for ourselves only, screw everyone else, have others get stupid unnecessary fines and jail time for not wearing a useless, non beneficial mask, as it is their problem, not mine. And that kind of thinking is what is wrong in this community. But because of stupidity people do not realise that what happens to others will happen to them. So above, so below, as within, so without.  This is about interconnection, unity as one, there is no separation, why are people believing in separation, fear and wanting to see harm to others, because if this is what  the people of Vilcabamba truly want and believe, then it will happen to them also, they too will be heavily fined and/or jailed for smoking outside in the public, or mother and daughter playing together in the park minding their own business fined and jailed, people walking their dogs in the streets and not cleaning up after the dog shits, again fined and jailed, you tell people this they say it won’t happen here, even though it is happening right now before their blind eyes, people think only others can suffer, not me, other people deserve to be punished for not committing a crime or not hurting another, but not me, its always I am above the law attitude, everyone else is bad, not me I’m good, how ignorant and again how foolish because we are all in the same boat together and if people think its ok for a brother to be jailed for not harming another I guarantee they to will also be fined and jailed for not harming anyone, because if it is happening now it will surely happen to those that think they are immune to all of this, no one is immune, we are all one in the same boat, we all have only one home.

I am going to wrap this up, but the point here is that I wanted to get across is that I am very surprised by such a small community to be so ignorant and arrogant and show their stupidity by obeying and complying like good slaves by allowing and accepting curfews, martial law, and separating themselves from each other out of fear, and hatred towards another and wanting harm to come to others, showing their stupidity among so many and not having any love or compassion for one another in their hearts, this so called epidemic/pandemic has shown me so much negativity in a community which I thought was much smarter, understanding and with much more love and compassion in their hearts, but I have been fooled and proven wrong which has surprised me to a great degree, I don’t know why anyone would want to live here, let alone visit this place, because from what I am hearing and observing being firsthand evidence, this is a shameful and disgusting place to live, too much stupidity and unnecessary fear here, leading to the community to separate and wanting such harm to come to others. On this subject of harm, we have a New Zealand individual who believes in being a good citizen, it is his duty to rat out on people who do not have a business licence to operate a business, and to rat out on those that do not have a proper legal up to date Visa’s for staying/living here, and who knows what else he objects too, but I am led to believe not only is he a no good rat, for not minding his own business, as under the so called ‘law’ meddling is a fault, but it is funny how the people in this community accept this and allow this harmful BS from this no good rat to be tolerated, I don’t understand why this community would accept and tolerate a no good rat, but it appears from a notice sent out via VilcaList that the locals are ratting out on the foreigners that are not complying with the self quarantine, not wearing masks, and taking photos of these individuals to send to authorities to have them fined or arrested, so in this community, lacks much love, compassion and honour, this community is not a respected and honourable community at all, wanting to see harm done to so many. Just as with this community having a ‘Catholic House of Pedophiles’ which is very well supported, what I am seeing the harm to others is tolerated and accepted, but being penalised and subjected to harm for not wearing a useless, non beneficial mask, this is a very backwards message here in Vilcabamba being sent out, yes come to Vilcabamba where you are encourage to rat out on people for allegedly doing wrong, we ignore the term ‘meddling is a fault’, we support pedophilia here, by hurting the children also hurting the elderly that have very little money and cannot afford a business licence, yes come to Vilcabamba, where we heavily fine and send people to jail for simply minding their own business and not hurting anyone, Vilcabamba people support these BS backward  ideas, so please come for a visit and stay to observe the insane stupidity here, no where else will you see a man or the community ratting out his brother, or where pedophilia is supported and seeing the elderly suffer, come one come all, hopefully during your visit here, you will have a chance to see an individual jailed for simply doing no harm just minding his own business, seriously, the people here support this insane BS, but remember your visit, is your own risk!   


The inhabitants of Vilcabamba, Ecuador are very gullible listening to the BS reports and falling for the lies of what is going on here with the SARS-CoV-2 (Virus) and the disease (Coronavirus) that is supposedly spreading. This is causing unnecessary fear and because of this fictional fear, it has brought out the ugly truth in the inhabitants living here. Such as how much hatred is in their hearts to the degree of not wanting to unite and help each other, instead wanting brothers and sisters to be heavily fined and jailed. Not caring if the disease is spreading but helping it to spread if the virus was here and wanting to beat brothers and sisters to near death. Unfortunately this crisis has shown this community lacks love and compassion and instead will rat you out to the so called authorities, for not complying, instead of minding their own business and knowing meddling is a fault, being at fault with this overrides any truth and honour in this small community, shows much shame towards one another and why one would anyone like to come here to live and/or visit Vilcabamba I cannot answer this, as I just found out this ugly truth being exposed to me because of this so called crisis happening now.


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