As I explore the world.

Year one what a year, I have observed and learned so much so many different experiences and happenings. I went on a fruitarian diet to experience in September and it lasted about two weeks. Then the first two weeks of  October I was drinking lots of water being thirsty so often and was lacking energy, turns out I was diagnosed with diabetes. I begin to think that I only have a 1/2 of a pancreas if that, and with that diet I may have overloaded the small pancreas by overworking it, and thus giving myself diabetes. Anyways, just over one month I reversed it by changing the diet once again and with the proper foods diabetes is not an issue with me anymore.

The mostly American expats here and being on Facebook with a community page one learns so much, the ranting and raving, the stubbornness, ignorance and arrogance, the insults and offensiveness, and being very racist against Mexicans entering the States for a better life, as they leave such comments on FB, while the American expats are living here in Ecuador for the same reason of having  a better life here, again how ignorant, arrogant and racist. Its all very funny and ridiculous and in a way very sad. Communication over the internet by texting is a very poor method and much miscommunication happens often. All the communicators have their own bias opinions and ideas, therefore each perceives and interprets the messages different from what others do and everyone having a personal opinion believing theirs is the only one that is correct and counts. It is comical drama at its best. Just don’t post an opinion on the Vilcabamba Community page, even if its first hand testimony based upon personal observations, it maybe the truth to you, but the American expats only believe in their personal view or opinion based on hearsay information, thus displaying the highest form of ignorance stating opinions which they know nothing about, but always want to appear right and number #1.

Vilcabamba host’s the greatest show, not just the ridiculous ignorant opinions on Facebook but entertaiment with some of the very interesting characters that live here, to the majestic mountains and quaint town sitting in the bottom of the valley, while looking down from a mountain side on one of the 65 plus hiking trails in the area. 

I came across a man from New Zealand named Andre Grossenbacher (pictured) wanting to buy property here. But he is a RAT wanting to bring harm and injuries to those with overstay visa’s and businesses without proper operating licence, as he says he is doing so because he is a ‘good citizen’ and its his duty to report those. Can you imagine, this guy is no better than a pedophile harming children. His idiotic thinking is like having sex with children is not bringing harm and injuries to them, its giving a 5yr old love, its love making. Some people are just evil and this guy’s actions are very evil as he is bringing harm to the elderly, the young, the physically handicapped, disabled, and the innocent, there is nothing good about him ratting people out to the police, or authorities.  I say mind your own business as meddling is a fault, what can I say Karma will present this man, with what he deserves. Could it be life would be much better if we just simply adopted The Golden Rule in our everyday lives, and put it to practice. But it appears this community welcomes Andre even if his actions are liken to a pedophile, the people here seem to welcome all I suppose, first place I have visited where a rat liken to a pedophile harming others are welcomed.

Vilcabamba is still a very expensive place to live, I believe overall for a developing country in South America, Ecuador is not a cheap country to stay and live, although many others disagree, there are also many travellers that do agree. At this time from what I have been told Argentina, Chile, Brazil and I think Ecuador also, are the more expensive countries to visit. Whereas, Bolivia, Peru, Columbia are much better for the travelling backpacker on a budget. Right now in Venezuela the people are migrating to Columbia and here to Ecuador because the money is worthless in their country right now with a economic crash, people are starving, do not feel safe and are leaving in desperation for survival. 

Let’s get back to Vilcabamba, where there is some activity with new restaurants and corner stores opening up, and repairs being done to the water system and replacement of roadways, new rooms being made available, homes being finished and remodelled, the tourists passing through appears to be very low though, do these people making these improvements know something that the tourists don’t know. Or perhaps these improvements are meant to attract more tourism, I don’t know.

But Christmas is 24 days away and the town’s people are decorating the shops and streets with Christmas decorations and it has been hot and sunny the past few days, as I am tanning the body, in fact we have had some very hot days and I actually got sunburned. 

In Loja about 40km away, folks here in Vilca can take a return bus for a free symphony concert every so often, upcoming concert will be Beethoven Symphony 9, so this is a very good thing for those that like classical symphonies and want culture in their lives, I am going as I have been to a few of these free symphony concerts, hasta luego.


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