As I explore the world.

Well I have been here at Disiniland now for two and a half weeks or 19 days to be precise. Being at this Agrofarm and Resort many visitors, being local people come to enjoy a day or a few hours of fun and entertainment feeding the animals such as deer, camels and the many fish in several large ponds, some will even fish to catch a meal for dinner, if the fish are too small to take home to eat, then there is a momma cat nearby waiting for that small fish to be tossed her way so she can feed her babies. There are many goats that are let out of their caged pen so that they can roam freely eating fresh green grasses. The horses are let out of their stalls and graze in a large circle riding area, where a horse or two will give rides to those wanting a short ride on a horse.

Many people enjoy taking a ATV for a quick spin around the horse riding circle, and then notice the archery area set up for those also wanting to try something new and test their skills. The bow is a 28lb bow, so sometimes the smaller kids have a little difficult pulling the string back far enough to get that arrow flying a distance, but all those that give archery a shot all seem to like it and have fun, especially when they get the ‘yellow’ as that is the bulls eye, as soon as I say to someone get the yellow and I will give you another arrow, then all of a sudden bam they got yellow and everyone’s excited.

Now after a day’s fun here by all the visitors, unfortunately in the morning I do a walk about picking up all the litter, now there are several garbage cans around to put trash into, and for the most part many do use the trash cans, but still much plastic bags, plastic bottles, paper and tin cans lying around needing to be picked up. Personally I do not understand why so many would litter at a Farm/Resort place that is designed to be a feature park caring for animals and having fun with entertainment provided being nicely landscaped and maintained. But then again since I have been here I started a compost for all the raw fruits and vegetables peelings and scraps, egg shells and whatever else can be composted, leaves and grasses. And the workers on this Farm/Resort do not help me out with composting as to saving such scraps for me, instead keep throwing it away in the garbage, thus they do not know what composting si and know of the benefits, even though I have done my best to explain several times and keep reminding them to save the scraps for composing, in the end I compost what I use only which to me is a shame because on a farm like this with so many workers the composting can be somewhat large scale having several benefits.

With me being the only bald headed white guy with a white goatee I stick out like a sore thumb so to speak, firstly many ask where I come from? I reply Canada and all seem to like that very much, they seem to think Canada is a good country. Next they ask if I am the owner here, as if only a white guy or a caucasian guy is the only one to have enough money to own such I guess. Many shake my hand and many want to have a photo taken with me, as if I am a celebrity, I have been told by a couple of individuals that I am indeed a benefit to this Farm/Resort as again many like talking to me, enjoy my presence here as if I am also a tourist attraction. I know I am a benefit to this place as I see things differently at times from the eyes of Malaysians and thus have ideas to enhance and better this Farm/Resort.

I am eager to learn Malay, I practice daily speaking and writing down new words or sentences, it is coming along slowly as I am starting to remember these words or sentences. Most of the workers here know very little English, so for me learning Malay is important, these workers here looking after all the animals, feeding them, caring for them, looking after and helping out with the visitors that come here, many are here 10 -11 hors a day 6 days a week for their monthly minimum pay and/or perhaps above minimum monthly, as I have not asked what they get paid, but I know of one guy that works very hard and does not even get paid what he’s worth let alone being paid just under the monthly minimum.

Well so far all is well, I keep busy taking photos here, learning Malay, cooking meals and helping out wherever I can. I will keep you all posted as things progress or change.


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