As I explore the world.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia March 19 – 29 2017

Arrived in Kuala Lumpur Sunday evening at 7:30 from a 35 hour excursion from Phuket, Thailand.
That was a long trip mainly by bus, I think I would have preferred a flight instead.

Now that I am back here in KL, I retrieved my camera from DHL Express as they could not deliver to recipient in Canada thus took my money and made me come back here to pick it up, now I am sending came into an authorized repair shop here and need to wait a week I suppose. In the meantime I am using another camera to take photos of this area that I missed taking the first time being in this area. Back at the same accommodations for me being at Suzie’s Guesthouse, as I was going to check out Mingle’s that another suggested to me but there was no available accommodations. I feel comfortable at Suzie’s and the location is just so perfect being close to the transit systems.

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Penang, Malaysia February 25th – 27th

Well it was a short bus ride from Taiping, actually in Kamuting just a 10 minute drive or so outside of Taiping, (Kamuting Bus Terminal) to Butterworth Terminal which is as close as it gets to Penang, because Penang is on a Island, this is where the ferry (Jetty) is (Butterworth) to take one across the waters (river) to Penang City/Georgetown. Bus from Kamuting terminal was 8.5 RM, and less than an hour. Ferry was 1.3RM and about 1/2 hour ride and then within a 20 minute walk I found my first dormitory hostel for the evening called; Tonight Hotel/Cafe I am led to believe after asking a few other hostels their rates this may be the cheapest at 27RM a night. I only stayed the one night at Tonight Cafeteria/Hotel as I wanted to stay at another hostel even though a little more expensive at 35RM, but breakfast is included and besides my back ached very much after that nights sleep, this dormitory hostel being called, Backpackers Hostel – Cafe – Bar I believe the younger travellers will like the vibe here, as I saw many younger travellers here and what I like the beds were semi private being like sleeping pods as in Tokyo, Japan.

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Taiping, Perak Malaysia.

February 15th – 25th

Taiping is a Chinese word which means a ‘Peaceful Town’ or ‘The Town of Everlasting Peace’, you know I gotta love this.

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December 1st 2016 – February 9th 2017 (9 week stay)

What I need to inform readers about the Philippines is that in and around the busy city centre such as Manila, Makati, Quezon City travellers need to take extra caution of valuables that they maybe travelling with outside during day or night, such as luggage, backpacks, camera, cell phones, and this cautionary note is what I have been told over and over by the local Philippinos.
When or if you get to the Palawan Islands or other islands being much safer, one can relax walking around with camera compared to busy downtown city centres as mentioned.

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October 29th – December 1st 2016 (32 day stay)

Taiwan boys and girls became a 32 day stay for me and I actually had a contact in this independent sovereign country through someone back in Canada that was from Taiwan, so she still knew many people and had close friends that she hooked me up with, the first contact was a long time friend of hers that was involved in real estate thus had a place or two available for travellers to stay, one of those places was a hostel called Oceanviewstay, it is located in the Tamshui area of the Damshui district which is on the river front and walking distance to the MRT red line terminal station being the Tamshui Station.

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South Korea was another short visit to a new country as it became only a 6 day stay. I encountered finding accomodations the first night difficult, I had a name of a hostel and all I had to do was ask the locals for directions. This is still not so easy, because some of these hostels are very hidden on little side streets, one maybe in the general area but for the exact location one could be walking around in circles missing the the place many of times and usually not much for signage to let travellers know of the place. I asked many of people for the directions of the first hostel and met some extremely helpful individuals, one young fellow gave me a ride on his motorbike to get me in the general area, after finding the place and no one was answering to knocks on door I now had to look for a new place starting all over again. I met this young lady who found a hostel on her cell phone, phoned for me asking for room availability and location, she then flagged a taxi and took me right to the place, well we ended up on foot walking circles again looking for the hidden place, we eventually found, but this was all on her dime I offered to give her money for all the help but she refused saying “It is my treat”.

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October 18th – 23rd 2016

Japan Tokyo became a day and half visit for me, there was enough English speaking individuals especially with the younger generation for asking directions or questions, the Japanese people are very polite, respectful and always bowing upon meeting/greeting and thank you or goodbyes.

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