As I explore the world.

Disiniland, Malaysia June 23rd – July 28th 2017

I’m back to where I have been living the past three months and much has happened in the one week I have been gone, to visit Lake Toba. I was expecting to be picked up at the Taiping train station for the 30 minute ride back to Disiniland, but was told everyone is busy and I’d have to find my own way, well the 30 minute journey turned into 4 1/2 hrs getting back and no one here was busy at all. I guess it was for me to have something to write about for the travelling blog. So here it is for any travellers and visitors that do not have their own transportation do not plan on visiting Batu Karau or Disiniland as taxi costs are far too expensive and public transportation such as bus take way too long, again with own transportation 30 minutes, public transportation 4 1/2 hours, this is ridiculous thus why I do not recommend visiting Batu Kurau or Disiniland without having your own wheels.

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Tuktuk, Toba Lake, Indonesia June 16th – 21st 2017

I paid 120,000 rupiah’s ($12.00) for shared taxi ride from Medan to Lake Toba, same cost as I will pay from Lake Toba right to the airport. it was suppose to be a 5 hour shared taxi ride from Medan to Lake Toba, but closer to 6 hours, then a 1 hour wait for the boat ride to take me across the lake to Tuktuk which is the most popular destination and main tourist place to visit at Lake Toba, and most travellers arrive at Parapat from Medan for a 30 minute ferry ride across to Tuktuk.

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Medan, Indonesia June 14th-16th 2017

The flight from Penang, Malaysia to Medan, Indonesia was short, just 45 minutes. Then a bus took me from airport to Medan Fair, and with a tricycle the place I was staying at, was nearby. It was called “Permata Inn Guest House ” as was suggested at airport by information. a single room for 155,000 rupiah’s (15.50 CAD) per night, breakfast complimentary, tv, air con, but still a cold shower.

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Kuantan, Malaysia May 2nd – 4th 2017

I bussed it to Kuantan which is on the east coast of Malaysia for a break from where I am staying/living here at Disiniland. I met a Facebook friend there who showed me around acting as a tour guide. Right in the heart of Kuantan was the striking view of State Mosque – Sultan Ahmad 1, at night all lit up looks beautiful.

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Well I have been here at Disiniland now for two and a half weeks or 19 days to be precise. Being at this Agrofarm and Resort many visitors, being local people come to enjoy a day or a few hours of fun and entertainment feeding the animals such as deer, camels and the many fish in several large ponds, some will even fish to catch a meal for dinner, if the fish are too small to take home to eat, then there is a momma cat nearby waiting for that small fish to be tossed her way so she can feed her babies. There are many goats that are let out of their caged pen so that they can roam freely eating fresh green grasses. The horses are let out of their stalls and graze in a large circle riding area, where a horse or two will give rides to those wanting a short ride on a horse.

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Taiping City again,

As a backpacker traveller travelling from Canada exploring many countries I usually stay in dormitory hostels. I have had the opportunity to stay in this resort called ‘Sentosa Villa’ ~ Hideaway To Relax The Mind, located at Taiping, Malaysia. It is truly a peaceful setting up against the foothills of Bukit Larut or also known as Maxwell Hill, with the jungle setting and nature surrounding the entire resort, many streams and rivers flowing for that tranquil meditative relaxation sound of the waters splashing down onto rocks or falling into other ponds filled with fish in them to another pond. In the woods the birds are singing, but everywhere one looks you are within nature and trees everywhere, many being fruit trees. I even watched a lizard cross the waters by way of a concrete wall to get across a large fish pond.

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Batu Kurau is a town about 1/2 hr. drive north of Taiping, and a royal town called Kuala Kangsar is 1/2 hr. drive south of Taiping. I am now heading to the town of Batu Kurau. Batu means ‘rock’ and Kurau means ‘fish’, so Batu Kurau I have been told means a rock that looks like a fish, and I will be visiting an area just outside of Batu Kurau called Telok Setang, and on privately owned land which is in the expansion stage of becoming a tourist resort/destination to see animals such as deers, horses, camels, goats, ostriches, partridges or what I have been told guinea fowl, a few fish ponds with many, many fish, many fruit trees on the land and adventurous hiking trails or ATV riding trails and much more for this future park liken to amusement park or relaxation nature resort, as the owner calls it ‘Disiniland’.

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February 9th – 15th 2017

I flew from Manila, Philippines with Air Asia to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it was one of the most turbulent flights I have experienced, but also to my surprise the aircraft was sprayed with I don’t know what. I did not have full disclosure of this procedure happening, therefore I was surprised and not happy at all, as I do not know what chemicals were sprayed and how harmful they are, or for what reason the cabin needed to be sprayed, thus I sent off a complaint letter via email to Air Asia wanting answers. After a few days of no response sent off another email, response being…be patient we’re looking into this. I even went into a service centre while in KL to talk with someone face to face about this matter, the service agents were useless and could not help me at all, very frustrating.

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PaTong Beach/Phuket, Thailand
March 4th – 18th 2017 (14 days)

Today the exchange rate and value of the Thai Baht (THB) converted to USD & CAD it would appear the USD is getting a much better bargain than CAD.
Firstly, $1.00CAD=.75USD, and 100B=2.86US, 100B=3.82.
So the American & Canadian both enjoying a cup of coffee together one pays converted to his currency, $1.70 and $2.30, big difference on a 1000B room, $28.60 and $38.20 a $10. difference for same room.

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February 27th – March 3rd, 2017

Langkawi Island, Pantai Cenang Beach, Malaysia

On a super fast ferry to Langkawi from Penang/Georgetown. Heading from one island to another island, now arriving at pier one needs a ride to Cenang beach as this appears to be where the hostels are and tourist spot. It will cost 30RM if solo travel or shared will cost 12RM.

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