As I explore the world.


I am getting into somewhat of a routine if there is such a thing. I am taking care of this guesthouse for travellers to stay for weekly or monthly basis as they explore Vilcabamba before moving onwards to the beaches, or other cities in Ecuador, like Loja, Cuenca, or Quito, or continue south crossing of the border into Peru, as three guests did not long ago. The three guests that stayed here about a month ago, we all went hiking one day up (Mandango Peak) Mountain, where the historic ’Sleeping Inca’ lies outlining the top of the mountain clearly visible all around the valley looking at the mountain side. Then another time we went for a group hike to the waterfalls (Waterfall Del Palto) or (Cascada El Palto) the four of us bonded somewhat with these two hikes as we enjoyed each others friendships and the talking we did.

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Well after a 3 month stay in Vietnam travelling from the North to central and coast to a Southern Island and ending in Ho Chi Mong City, I now need to leave Vietnam and I will truly miss leaving Vietnam, but I have made plans to go back to Ecuador a place that I had visited back in September of 2013, now 4 years later going back. This journey from Vietnam to Ecuador is a long journey with many flights and buses for me to get to the final destination and with many, many hours. It took 4 flights and then four buses and 3 days leaving Ho Chi Ming City and arriving in Vilacabamba.

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I have made plans to spend the last leg of my visit in Vietnam staying in Saigon for the last 11 days before I fly out of Vietnam to Ecuador.
As I leave Phu Quoc Island I paid for a guided tour to get me from Phu Quoc to Ho Chi Ming City, with a stop at the halfway point visiting Can Tho in the Mekong Delta for a one night stay, where I ate dinner at a very affordable vegetarian restaurant and the next day scheduled to see the floating market, rice noodle factory and many views with a guided tour. I do not normally buy guided tours but to get my ass to Saigon it seemed to be the best way and most affordable so why not, I enjoyed it and well worth it. After the the stay in Phu Quoc I started off with a boat ride from the Island to Rach Gia then a bus to Can Tho, and for me this means visiting the fourth largest city in Vietnam along with already being in second largest (Hanoi) and the third largest (Danang) and so to be in the largest city very soon. So the next day after the sight seeing tour it was  a 4 hr bus ride to Ho Chi Ming City. The stay in Can Tho was short one night and day basically, I did see the floating market, rice noodle factory, went for a short bicycle ride, it was all good.

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Overall with the Phu Quoc Island destination, it is definitely a tourist hot spot with many Russians, Polish and Czech Repulics visiting thus it is an expensive place to visit, as food prices in restaurants, food prices on street carts and accommodations are all very inflated, thus some consider it a ’scam city’. Also much litter and garbage everywhere, on the streets, beaches and on the waters. Much construction going on everywhere with new restaurants, hotels and hostels and this is taking away much beauty of the beaches, along with access to beaches. Lastly, the Hotels are claiming ownership of the beach fronts which they have absolutely no authority to do so, but all hotels seem to want the beach fronts for their paying guests only and thus will claim ownership and not allow other sun seekers tanning on parts of beaches, thus not many areas to sun tan on these beautiful beaches, personally I have stood my ground and stayed put on the beach ignoring their bullshit commands to move, but I have balls and if you wish also to challenge these bullshit commands expect to be harassed, intimidated, threatened, discriminated, and physically assaulted, now I complained to management of these Hotels as to what just happened with these criminal charges I have just pointed out, they fall upon deaf ears, nothing will be done about it because the managers and owners of these Hotels know that they can do whatever they wish to sun seekers or Hotel guests and get away with it because police in Vietnam will not react, or investigate. So keep this in mind, one can be physically assaulted, raped, threatened, bullied, discriminated, intimidated, harassed and so on and not much will be done, if one wishes to complain one just may get more of these criminal acts to continue and even escalate, so do you really want to visit this Island….?

The one Hotel/Resort that is shameful and disgraceful in this conduct of intimidating, assaulting, discriminating and threatening the beach goers or those wanting to simply lay on the beach and suntan is called ‘La Veranda’ the staff at this resort is very rude and aggressive with physical violence, I recommend staying away from this resort on the beach.

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Well my last week here in DaNang knowing it will go by fast and I will truly miss this third largest city in Vietnam along with many friendships I have made. This is my favourite city thus far as it is a clean city, the traffic is not as congested as in Hanoi or Saigon as to what I have been told about Ho Chi Ming City anyways, I will find out next month when I am there. As far as the Vietnamese people go, here they are very polite, respectable and honest, when I am in Hanoi especially around the Hoan Kiem Lake area being part of the Old Quarters, there are many, many sellers and/or peddler’s wanting the business from the tourists with lots of money to spend thus having expensive prices on their goods or simply taking advantage of some tourists by over charging for rides, street foods, T-shirts, souvenirs and so on. Here in DaNang the same sellers and/or peddler’s do not seem to have the same attitude with tourists and the tourists here seem to be more South Koreans than caucasions visiting, so the prices for things are cheap and reasonable, as I was buying Americano coffee at 18k compared to Hanoi in the Old Quarters around Hoan Kiem Lake where coffee would cost me 25 – 55K. Vietnamese coffee is really good especially if it is more than the usual 2 ounces, yes that’s right Vietnamese coffee is served in a small cup with only about 2 ounces of coffee, so because I like my coffee black without sugar its like drinking mud or an espresso. So the way to drink this small amount off coffee to really be enjoyed is adding sugar and a very heavy condensed cream then one ends up with 3 – 4 oz of delicious coffee. Thus why I order Americano occasionally to get a full cup of coffee.

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Week 2 here in Danang, well the weather has changed to overcast and wet days, which means no sun tanning at the famous My Khe Beach and dampens the enthusiasm of exploring the area a little. Again I went back to the barber for the usual head and face shave with razor, but today I also had the ear canals cleaned out, first time I have experienced this and yes by the barber. After the clean shave he then put on his head lamp turned on the bright light so that he could see inside of my ears and then with precision tools liken to what a dentist would use, he not only scratched the walls of the ear canal feeling very good, like having the back scratched, he also dug up the built up wax. I enjoyed this so very much, I highly recommend this and I will get this done again. I feel like a new man spoiling myself here in Vietnam taking care of myself easily and affordably, where back in Canada I would not probably due to cost, as I have been getting regular pedicures, head and face shaves, full body massages and now ear cleaning of wax. This ear cleaning which felt so good, cost me 20,000 dong ($1.05 CAD).

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I have taken the train from Hanoi to DaNang and paid for a sleeper which cost 1.2 million dong, and it is a 14 or 15 hr travel, for me mostly night time and I decided a sleeper was good to sleep throughout the night. I have been told there is a nice beach in Da Nang so I am looking forward to this. I think one could get a flight for cheaper and saving much time.

Week one of being here in Danang and I love it, as it has less congested traffic than in the Capital City of Hanoi, this city is clean and again very friendly, happy and honest Vietnamese people living here. In fact at a coffee shop that I go to quite often, I guess I left the cell phone behind or it fell out of pocket bag I had, anyways I went back the next morning enquiring if staff found a cell phone, no one knew about it. All day long missing the cell phone, then in the evening sitting at the coffee shop enjoying a hot cup of joe, the owner came to me with the cell phone asking me if it was mine, unreal it was returned i was so happy.

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Now me and the English teacher from London, England were sent to a homestay in Hanoi City, when we both got there naturally is was shocking and disappointing from what we left, to what we came to. I did not like it at all, so I made arrangements in finding another homestay to live and teach at thus leaving my roomie behind. As it turned out the roomie left another day or two after me finding himself a better set up also, we both decided to meet up with each other the first Saturday at the ‘Old Quarters’ area beside a Lake called Hoan Kiem, where there was a large open square with many restaurants, coffee shops, and plaza. This Old Square area is quite exciting and vibrant, and at night very colourful especially with the lights coming from the Pagoda off of the lake.

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I arrived into Hanoi late evening and after a 1 hour Visa process, I finally was able to meet with the contact that was still patiently waiting for me for the past hour or so. A young Vietnamese lady acting as a liaison between me and the school she was taking me to, so that I could teach English as a volunteer for the next 3-4 months at a specialized high school, with about 1000 students enrolled at this campus, being Chuyen Bac Ninh in the City of Bac Ninh about 40 km from the airport. This is a position I had been seeking for awhile to get the needed experience, and help with the costly travel expenses and possibly learn a new language. Along with exploring Hanoi and Bac Ninh City areas, I will be learning about the Vietnamese culture and as always meeting new friends and photographing everything.

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Save Money/Travel Cheaper

I had planned travelling the world as long as I can/could on a budget looking for a knew home in a affordable country that suited me.
I have found it tough to stay within a budget, perhaps I’m a slow learner. After 11 months being on the road and travelling from country to country and city to city, stopping at many places to see the popular tourist attractions that many tourist come to see, thus the entrance fees to see such spectacular sights are usually very expensive, sometimes outrageously expensive and this has cost me much.

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