As I explore the world.

Batu Kurau is a town about 1/2 hr. drive north of Taiping, and a royal town called Kuala Kangsar is 1/2 hr. drive south of Taiping. I am now heading to the town of Batu Kurau. Batu means ‘rock’ and Kurau means ‘fish’, so Batu Kurau I have been told means a rock that looks like a fish, and I will be visiting an area just outside of Batu Kurau called Telok Setang, and on privately owned land which is in the expansion stage of becoming a tourist resort/destination to see animals such as deers, horses, camels, goats, ostriches, partridges or what I have been told guinea fowl, a few fish ponds with many, many fish, many fruit trees on the land and adventurous hiking trails or ATV riding trails and much more for this future park liken to amusement park or relaxation nature resort, as the owner calls it ‘Disiniland’.

I have been invited to stay with the owner and his son for a couple of nights at one of the houses on the property with them to see all the animals on this land, look at all the fruit trees growing and to see how everything operates around here and pitch in with a few simple chores or tasks to help clean and improve this future tourist theme park and/ or relaxation nature resort. I did pitch in with a simple task of adding fertilizer to young growing coconut trees and before you know it the shirt I was wearing was soaking wet with sweat, but this is a good thing to sweat lots I have been told.

I went around making friends with some of the animals, petting a couple of horses, a camel, and playing with some very small new kittens.

This resort park being called ‘Disiniland’ means ‘Here Land’ or ‘Our Land Here’, in Malay Disini means ‘here’, so it’s kinda appropriate calling it Disiniland as it sounds like Disneyland and he wants this park to be enjoyed by all to see animals and feed them, go hiking up mountain trails, camping in the mountains, go ATV trail riding on mountainous slopes, practice archery, enjoy horse back riding, or throw a line into the pond to reel in a fish and renting out the bungalows for special occasions and events, such as weddings, business functions or group gatherings to stay for the day, an evening or weekend experience.

The landscaped areas all around the fish ponds with young coconut trees growing is a beautiful view, especially early in the morning when the sun is rising seeing the yellowish golden colours on these views while one is waking up to a fresh cup of coffee as the fish are busily swimming all around these ponds, and smelling the fresh clean morning air. There are so many trees being planted all around the property. The fish ponds are fed with fresh cold clean oxygenated water continuously from the mountain streams, and when I was there I witnessed the fish in these ponds enjoying for the first time a finely chopped grass mixture as part of their diet, they seem to enjoy this new food being introduced.

Because this area at times does get a heavy rainfall and then lots of sunshine, plants and trees grow very well here and fast on this very fertile land.


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