As I explore the world.

Disiniland, Malaysia June 23rd – July 28th 2017

I’m back to where I have been living the past three months and much has happened in the one week I have been gone, to visit Lake Toba. I was expecting to be picked up at the Taiping train station for the 30 minute ride back to Disiniland, but was told everyone is busy and I’d have to find my own way, well the 30 minute journey turned into 4 1/2 hrs getting back and no one here was busy at all. I guess it was for me to have something to write about for the travelling blog. So here it is for any travellers and visitors that do not have their own transportation do not plan on visiting Batu Karau or Disiniland as taxi costs are far too expensive and public transportation such as bus take way too long, again with own transportation 30 minutes, public transportation 4 1/2 hours, this is ridiculous thus why I do not recommend visiting Batu Kurau or Disiniland without having your own wheels.

Now when I got back if not being picked up as promised wasn’t frustrating and depressing enough, all the work and energy I had put into creating a vegetable garden had been destroyed and no one cared enough to save these vegetable plants to move to another location, just destroyed everything that had been growing. These people just do not care about others, the environment, only about themselves as they refuse to compost fruit and vegetable scraps, refuse to compost any organic matter at all, leaves, branches, everything gets burned, plastics, styrofoam, glass, tin cans, leaves, fruit, vegetables, everything goes up in flames, nothing gets recycled or composted at all. I have put much time and energy into teaching everyone here the benefits of composting but it is all a wasted effort as the belief is instead of all the potential benefits, its better to harm the environment with toxic smoke pollution causing much harmful damage.

I have been here long enough to see and know that this so called Eco farm is just bullshit, not Eco about this farm at all and to have this animal farm as a resort, no this is an animal farm just to slaughter these animals for food for celebrations and festivals. It is the end of Ramadan and a big celebration is happening this Sunday, and the fish ponds are being clean out of fish for food for the celebration, perhaps a goat or two, or maybe even a deer or two will also be slaughtered. In the past goats have been slaughtered, so as a farm for the locals to visit to feed the animals and see the care for these animals it’s all an illusion, this is a farm to slaughter animals for food, festivals and celebrations, or if someone wants to buy fresh meat.

I think my time here is coming to an end and for me to move on, I am no longer happy here and too frustrating with all the energy and effort that I do to make positive changes here, just finding I cannot make positive changes or benefit this place at all, these people are set in their ways to pollute, kill and also I really do feel this business is not to be profitable at all, I am led to believe it is to fail or lose money, perhaps for a tax write off, because their are too many things here that cost them money, like expensive employees and they still keep them on the payroll. So this Disiniland as a tourist attraction I do not believe it will succeed again the way it is being operated, it is destined to fail and not succeed. The owner makes many promises but does not keep his word, again this is not a good way to be with others in life, or a good way to run a business.

The animals here are not well cared for in my personal opinion, they are under fed, not exercised to graze, some animals are in poor health or condition and do not receive the medical attention required, as one cow died of disease as was buried here, along with a buffalo also. I have witnessed horses with open wounds and cuts that needed stitches but did not get in order to close the wound, the horses have no shoes and thus walk on sharp jagged rocks that give them much pain, one of the ostriches has lost most of his feathers, thus not having feathers no protection from sun or insects, no wings either. Quite often one can see dead floating fish in the ponds, many birds such as chickens or fowls have injured legs or foot and hop or limp on just one leg. There were many cats here at one time, but many have died from eating the raw fish. There’s too much death on this farm with animals, too much suffering, I see it in the animals face and eyes how much they suffer, again I cannot make the positive changes here, and I did not think I was coming to a slaughterhouse at all where animals suffer in pain so time for me to leave this place. I was led to believe this was more like a petting zoo and entertainment park, but I am witnessing far from it.


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