As I explore the world.

Vancouver, BC to meet new grandson

I arrive back home after being gone for just about five years (short just three months), only to be greeted with a $6500. fine at the Toronto airport. I was not being able to take the last flight to Vancouver airport, because I did not book a three day stay at a hotel in Toronto. I had filled out a form online stating I would be staying/quarantined with family, as it was an option, therefore I should not have been fined. I also had a valid PCR test (polymerase chain reaction) for the COVID, which was still valid until the next day. These fictional characters thinking they have power or some kind of authority are so stupid as they live in their own fictional world acting like big bullies telling people what they can or cannot do and passengers must listen to them or they will be punished.

I was asked “Why didn’t you reserve a 3 day hotel prior to arriving here?” I told him that I filled out an online reservation and it allowed for me to stay with family, and besides I could not afford a 3 day hotel stay in this city. He responded, “no” and did not approve of such. So he gave me a $6500. fine as I told him, if I cannot afford a three day stay here I certainly cannot afford to pay a $6500. fine. I asked to speak to his supervisor, his response was “I am the supervisor”, I said “ok your boss then”, he said his boss was the Federal Government, I said well get the Federal Government here I want to speak to him face to face about this fine. You see how it works, these authority type people believe that governments, Federal Governments, the State and so forth where all of these rules, fines, tickets all originate from, thus remain in fiction, it comes down to what is the difference between the government and Santa Claus….nothing, because they both remain in fiction.

Again these people demanded that I take another PCR test before I fly again, it did not matter what questions I was asking them. They ignored all questions and just threatened me that I will not fly. Landing here was just a nightmare, it was a Sunday afternoon when I arrived at the airport, suppose to be in Vancouver around dinner time, and I did not arrive in Vancouver until Tuesday morning and that was because I bought another ticket with another airline so instead of being stuck at Toronto airport with lack of sleep over two nights trying to sleep, no proper foods to eat and very expensive at Subway, 7/11 and some donut shop, this international airport in Canada was pathetic for places to eat and no restaurants, El Salvador which was the last airport I left from before arriving at Toronto, had many sit down actual restaurant/dinning choices, and I had no more medication. So I refused Canada Airlines with the already paid for flight ticket and got the hell out of there, with WestJet, now this ticket to go from Toronto to Vancouver was more than the flight from Ecuador to Vancouver. What a piss off, I paid twice as much to fly from Ecuador to Vancouver, but my health was more important to me. As I was very tired not having a comfortable sleep, eating bad foods for the diabetes and not having insulin to take. This journey was a nightmare, the way brothers and sisters had treated me here, no compassion for helping out a brother and looking out for others, instead these brothers and sisters operating from Toronto Airport act like we are different, we the so called ‘passengers’ and them having the so called fictional authority to force the passengers to rent a 3 day hotel room, take another PCR test, before flying out again. And if one states “I do not want to take another PCR test” one keeps getting the answer of “then you cannot fly”. I ask to speak to their supervisor/boss and they ignore that question, or they say “I am the supervisor”, I will ask to speak to their boss, and then they will say, “My boss is the Federal Government” I will then ask, “Well then bring the Federal Government here so I can have a talk about this matter.” Now they do not want to speak anymore and go back to “You cannot fly if you do not comply.” 

The date today is September 2nd 2021 and yesterday here in Vancouver and apparently around the world, protests were happening with very large crowds who are against forced vaccination jabs. I watched a protesting crowd and heard one protester yelling out loud to the well guarded Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, “Take my jab and shove it up your ass”. I am happy that finally protests are starting to happen, because this is so wrong with these fictional characters enforcing the public to be vaccinated or they will not be able to work, fly, travel, attend school, go to restaurants, and so forth. Why does the governments need to put fear into the public like this to make sure that everyone is vaccinated? This is very scary. A vaccine that has not been tested, for safety, pregnant women, years down the road, and much more, its a new vaccine with mRNA that will change one’s DNA. This vaccine is new and dangerous, with having the public being the Guinea pig and being tested on how and what this vaccine will do today and into the future, and the makers are not liable or responsible for its product at all. This is BS, but because of all the fear the governments have been using so many have lined up to get the vaccine not even knowing what the ingredients are.

Well I have come back to Vancouver from Ecuador and just in time as the new grandchild was born. Only three days  

I believe, which means I get a good two months of seeing him as a newborn. Not sure when I will see him again, as I am traveling to Mexico, as I want to go to India, but India is not accepting tourist visa’s at this time and I have not been to Mexico and Mexico is welcoming everyone with arms open as they are not insisting on vaccines or PCR test needed to enter the country.


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