As I explore the world.



As I found out the flight ticket from Jakarta, Indonesia to Hanoi, Vietnam was too expensive for me thus I decided to take a flight from Jakarta to KL then train to Thailand, bad timing as this was a major holiday and if anyone needed to travel by train from KL to north was going to have to wait 4 or 5 days for the next available booking. So now bus was the next option, bus transportation is cheap but many hours, I left KL to Hat Yai, Thailand which was an 11 hour journey, then from Hat Yai by bus, well actually shared van to Bangkok, another 12 hours, basically a straight 24 hours on the bus, the ass did not like it, when I write ‘ass’ I am not speaking metaphorically meaning me, but actually meaning the derriere, a sore tush from all of that uncomfortable sitting.

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Back in Jakarta for another few more days as I make my way towards Thailand/Vietnam. The flight ticket from Jakarta to Vietnam too expensive so I will fly from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur, then train/bus to Thailand, then onto Vietnam. But first my revisit here in Jakarta. The first visit to this city was not exciting, spectacular or impressive as I thought it would be, instead, plain, boring, expensive city. The accommodations are expensive, this being my second visit to Jakarta, I have stayed in South Jakarta and again stayed at the same hostel being the most affordable for me. SS Homes nightly cost was 250,000 rp, a room with a double bed, shower, toilet, tv with all the movie channels, air con, clean and private.

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From Trawangan Island to Lombok the public ferry was the cheapest being 15,000 rp, and the the bus which really is a shared van cost me another 150,000 rp but another fellow that did the exact same trip as me only paid 150,000 altogether, saving that 15,000 rp that was extra for me. The van ride from Bangsal near the 3 Gili’s where the ferry drops off passengers was a long haul to get to Kuta Beach where “Zury Homestay” was being the cheapest dormitory I could find at 140,000 rp a night. The free wifi is poor, sometimes no connection at all. ‘Zury’ is beautiful and cooks up a fine breakfast with always being so polite and helpful, greeting everyone with “hello boss”. Renting a motorbike I have been told you can get one for 50k a day but Zury rents to me at 70k day, as I find out with other guests she rents to them for 60K, and also with renting a bed in dormitory another guest only paid 130K. So you really have to bargain with her and be firm. This is not the best place to stay at either, again poor wifi, noisy at night and into the early morning hours with chanting or praying going on over a loud speaker from a nearby Mosque, and with all the new construction and upgrading going on around here, the power is shut off for many hours during the day.

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The dormitory cottage that I booked and reserved is in the Kuta area of Bali is a ‘tourist hot spot’, the thing with this is that usually prices are expensive for the developing country that one is in, be it Indonesia, Malaysia or Thailand and so on. This is because the ‘tourists’ that visit these popular destinations are there for a short visit as being on holidays and a vacation and spend money to have a good time and as far astray are concerned the prices are cheap compared to North America or Europe, but with ‘backpacker travellers’ they know these prices in the tourist hot spot places are inflated and I suppose when travellers end up in these places where many tourists are that it becomes difficult looking for the cheap meals, accommodations and so on. For instance in Yogyakarta, seeing the popular ancient Temples (Borobudur and Prambanan Temples the entrance fees were minimum 325,000 rp for each site as where the locals only pay 40,000rp. Same with Bali Zoo, entrance fee for the foreigners is like 450,000 rp and locals apparently pay the same I have been told, it continues with restaurants having higher food prices, accommodations, souvenirs, transportation costs, tourist pay these prices while backpack travellers seek out cheaper everything, as to stretch out the dollar for travellers usually are in it for the long haul being on the road for months or even years.

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I arrived in Yogyakarta also known as (Jogja) and from here on I will use ‘Jogia’, so the first night was just to arrive at the hostel and settle in for the night. Maturnuwun Yogya Hostel is new and only in operation for a couple of months, but very affordable with dormitory room for the backpacker at 75,000 rp (7.50 CAD) a night, nice clean place and the staff very friendly especially “Steve” he speaks English and full of valuable information about the Temples, a vegetarian restaurant he mentioned called Mila’s Vegetarian Restaurant, and he enjoys photographing the guests to add to the hostels Facebook page. I recommend this hostel for friendliness, cleanliness and price.

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The stay for me in Jakarta short, as I did not view anything exciting and found it expensive, also transportation was difficult. Since I travel without a mobile phone this is a must here in Jakarta as getting around most people use a cell phone for online bike (Gojek), this is cheap getting around, a motorcycle and driver pics you up, you throw on a helmet and off you go to your destination for a small fee of 10,000 – 30,000 rp (1.00 -3.00 CAD), then there’s other services such as Grab.

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I arrive into Singapore 9:30 at night, I start walking in one direction and soon find the first backpackers hostel for $28. a night for dormitory.
Many backpacker hostel’s in the area and around the Little India has many backpacker hostel even cheaper and all seem to be competitively within a couple of dollars either way, this one that i found and staying at is called ‘Five Stones Hostel’ on Beach Road, which is good because it seems to be a direct route and walking distance to many attractions and or places to see, if you like walking. I have walked to Chinatown, Little India, Singapore Flyer, Singapore River, Marina Bay Sands, I have walked and walked, but apparently if you buy a concession card it is good for MRT and bus which one can save money.

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I leave Taiping at 9am as I get last photos with Hanim and Ikram saying our goodbye’s to each other. The ETS (fast train) took about 3 1/2 hours to get to the final destination for me at KL Sentral, as it made about 18 stops along the way but hitting speeds up to 143 km/h. From here another train to BTS which is the central bus station to all locations, anyways I was on a bus to Singapore within 3 hours at a cost of 62 ringgits through a travel agency when I should have just bought at bus station for 50 ringgits saving that 12 ringgits for dinner and more. Bus leaving KL at 3:30pm and should arrive in Singapore around 9:30pm, about a 6 hr trip. Gives me time to do writing on the laptop I suppose.


Well back in Taiping again, the first time I spent time here in Taiping was back in February between the 15th and 25th of this year.
So if you really wish to know more of Taiping read that blog also. The main reason I am here this time before I make my way to Singapore is simply to photograph the city and area as the first time I was without a camera, now I have a good quality camera to capture this city, buildings and area. Again the friend I have met here Hanim is such a wonderful, helpful and generous lady, she will not let me buy breakfast, lunch or entrance fees she takes care of it all, I am so grateful for her generosity, she does such a wonderful job in always promoting this city, as she should working for the Taiping Municipal Council and Tourism for Taiping.

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Well boys and girls, I received a journal from the youngest boy to take with me as I travel the world and explore. I start off in the journal as I write Day 1 or whatever day it has been for me travelling, today it is Day 282 Wednesday July 26th 2017 that I write and start off in the journal. Just to convert days into months for you, I have been away from Canada traveling the world and exploring countries for just approximately 9 1/2 months now.

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